
1) Paris Agreement Overshooting Reversibility, Climate Impacts, and Adaptation Needs (PROVIDE)

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant  agreement No. 101003687.

Adapting to climate change challenging for the Upper Indus if 1.5°C limit crossed: PROVIDE Report

PROVIDE Consortium Partners:


1. Developing Resilient Environments and Advancing Municipal Services (DREAMS):

The project was aimed at the provision of municipal services in the cities of Rawalpindi and Bahawalpur. These included the establishment and rehabilitation of water infrastructure in Rawalpindi and the development of integrated solid waste management system in Bahawalpur.

WCS provided consultancy on the climate change assessment and comprehensive climate risk assessment of the project outcomes considering the projected Global warming levels.

2. Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation (CAREC) Corridor Development Investment
Program Tranche 3:

The project aims to extend sections of the N-55 to facilitate the economic connectivity with the Central Asian countries and boost connectivity and trade.

WCS provided consultancy on the climate change assessment, risk assessment and the development of Paris Agreement assessment.

3. Sindh Secondary Education Improvement Project- Additional Financing (SSEIP-AF) :

The project is categorized as flood emergency assistance and aims to rehabilitate the flood ravaged schools in 17 improvised tehsils in 5 districts of Sindh.

WCS provided consultancy on the development of climate change assessment, climate risk assessment, alignment with Paris Agreement, and the development of project risk management framework.

*officially delivered under personal consultancy.

4. BASH Wind Power Project:

The project aims to develop the 500 MW Bash Wind Power Project in the remote Bukhara region of Uzbekistan.

WCS provided consultancy on the development of a Climate Risk Assessment entailing projected climate hazards and how they pose a risk to the project components throughout its anticipated lifetime and provided adaptation strategies to mitigate these risks effectively.

5. Sonagazi Solar Power Project - Chattogram, Bangladesh:

The project aimed at installing a 50MW solar panel plant along with a 132kV transmission line to advance clean electricity production and reduce fossil fuel dependence for energy generation in Bangladesh.
WCS performed a detailed Climate Risk Assessment to identify potential material risks posed to solar project components by climate change throughout its anticipated lifetime and provided adaptation strategies to mitigate these risks effectively.

6. Muktagacha Solar Power Project - Mymensingh, Bangladesh:

The project aims to implement a 20MW solar panel plant accompanied by a 33kV transmission line to increase electricity production through renewable resources and foster independence on fossil fuels for energy generation in Bangladesh.
WCS provided a comprehensive Climate Risk Assessment (CRA) report highlighting the potential climate change related risk posed to the solar project components during its lifespan and suggesting adaptation measures to effectively reduce these risks.

7. Sindh Emergency Housing Reconstruction Project (SEHRP):

The project aims to assist in the post-flood recovery of the Sindh housing sector in 21 districts of Sindh. It also aims to ensure livelihood generation and capacity building of the population to ensure disaster risk management.

WCS provided consultancy on the development of Climate Change Assessment, Climate Risk Assessment, Paris Agreement Alignment, and the development of project Climate Risk Management Framework.